Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By jcmvbkbc
MikeyMoMo wrote:If you uncomment line 1136, an erroneous error appears saying that a routine is not defined yet it is defined and used all over the program. Here is the line to uncomment:

Code: Select all//  AppendAndSendHTML("HTTP/1.1 200 OK\r\nContent-Type: text/html\r\n", true, false);

AppendAndSendHTML is used multiple places and works just fine but when this line is uncommented, it claims it is not defined thus:

Code: Select all'AppendAndSendHTML' was not declared in this scope

What is causing the compiler to suddenly believe that this routine is not there?

Missing declaration. If you point me to the source I can explain in details what's missing.

McChubby007 wrote:It may be the compiler plus linker script has encountered the limit and hence caused the error you see. I'm definitely not clear on this, never seen myself, but it 'feels' like you have exceeded some threshold. Definitely chop out some data and see what effects it has.

The error message is produced by the compiler, it has nothing to do with the linker, linker script or memory map of this particular device. The compiler doesn't know anything about it.
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By MikeyMoMo
#72152 It is certainly not a missing declaration. This routine has been in the code and used for several weeks. This is the only line that it complains about. Lines above it and below it use this routine and have no problem. Also note that if the Serial.print right above it is uncommented, the compiler complains that there is no such thing as Serial.print. Really?

I said where the code is in the original post. For those who missed it, i will repeat it here:
and look for the WeMoWX source code link. Search on that name and it will drop you right on it. Then download the ZIP and unzip it. You will see multiple calls to the AppendAndSendHTML routine throughout the code. It is very much there!

Again, why the compiler is issuing this message is a mystery. Have I blown the compiler space, too?

The second mystery (probably solved) is why the program blows up with 32K of memory still available. So two, two, two problems in one! I reduced one array and am below the 32K invisible line now and the code is running again.
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By MikeyMoMo
McChubby007 wrote:Sorry for my erroneous information, I was sent on a wild goose chase by the mention of memory usage when I should have been concentrating on the basics of what the compiler had said. I don't like providing crap answers.

No Problem! I have gone off on tangents, too. This really should have been split up but both parts of it happened together and I entangled them. So part of it is me!