The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By Rod Star
#72269 Hello community, I'm new to ESP8266's. I want to connect several smartphones (clients) directly to my ESP8266 (server) WITHOUT a hardware router, but I haven't found several capabilities like (using ardino IDE):

1.- Change it's SSID (from AI_THINKERxxxxx),
2.- Set a password (actually without password),
3.- Hide SSID,
4.- MAC Address authentication (before connecting),
5.- To disconnect a client after a fixed time without booting ESP,
6.- To punish after "brute force" password attempts.

If you have a link to documentation please help me. I'll be happy :)
Thanks in advance!
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By monkeytronics
#79627 Have a look at the Soft Access Point Class. An example usage is:

Code: Select allWiFi.softAP(ssid, password, channel, hidden, max_connection)

That answers points 1, 2 and 3. You can also configure the network interface a bit:

Code: Select allsoftAPConfig (local_ip, gateway, subnet)

It's all pretty standard stuff. Not sure about the disconnecting and brute force. You'd need to write a bit of code to keep track of connection attempts and boot people off accordingly. Maybe reduce the max connections for a period after seveal failed attempts?! Dunno. Just a thought...