I have been working away on a little project for a while now and this is the only thing I'v not been able to fix for myself.
I have a main function in a LUA file that connects to the MQTT broker and then hands of work to a data function which read sensors and publishes the data to a broker and then returns to the function which puts the nodemcu to deepsleep for a set period. The problem I have is trying to add a bit of code to send the last will and testament message within this, it never executes...
First the original working code..
function module.start()
-- Connect to broker
m = mqtt.Client(config.ID, config.KALIVE, config.USER, config.PASW)
m:connect(config.HOST, config.PORT, 0, 0, function(con)
print("connected to broker")
get_data() -- read sensor data
tmr.alarm(6, 300, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, call_dsleep) -- call sleep function to shutdown after delay to allow for program to complete
But here I have added an on_connect clause the print statement never excutes and needless to say the broker never publishes the LWT message...
function module.start()
-- Connect to broker
m = mqtt.Client(config.ID, config.KALIVE, config.USER, config.PASW)
m:connect(config.HOST, config.PORT, 0, 0, function(con)
m:on("connect", function(con)
m:lwt(config.HEAD .. config.ID .. subt, config.LWT, 0, 0)
print ("Connected to Broker")
tmr.alarm(6, 300, tmr.ALARM_SINGLE, call_dsleep) -- call sleep function to shutdown after delay to allow for program to complete
Can anyone offer me any pointers on where I am going wrong?