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By hagie
#65257 Hi,

I'm currently testing a WmosD1 mini with the APDS-9960. I encountered the same problem like the Threadstarter - everything works only gesture test won't.

Directly after boot it runs into the interrupt and apds.isGestureAvailable() never returned a value.

How can I tell if the Wemos crashed or how can I further debug the LIB ?. I tried to use a capacitator in the 3.3V rail to stabilize the voltage this didn't help.

What else could be wrong.

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By hagie
hagie wrote:Hi,

I'm currently testing a WmosD1 mini with the APDS-9960. I encountered the same problem like the Threadstarter - everything works only gesture test won't.

Directly after boot it runs into the interrupt and apds.isGestureAvailable() never returned a value.

How can I tell if the Wemos crashed or how can I further debug the LIB ?. I tried to use a capacitator in the 3.3V rail to stabilize the voltage this didn't help.

What else could be wrong.


This was my fault. Somehow I had the original LIB installed and used the examples from the modified LIB. It worked most things but not for the gesture. Now it works.