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By eriksl
#72923 I don't see the relation with this product, but if you need interfacing to a real RS232C compatible interface, you need to use a MAX232 or similar converter. Then the signal polarity isn't an issue as well.
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By dhouston
#73071 While I've had a lot of experience with PIC and AVR MCUs, I'm a 76 year old novice with the ESP8266.

Which file(s) do I need to install? I'm not interested in OTA.
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By eriksl
#73082 Here too (even though I am tad younger) ;)

Do you know how to flash a firmware (esptool)? Did you the find the generic documentation about this firmware? Do you have specific questions left?
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By dhouston
Do you know how to flash a firmware (esptool)? Did you the find the generic documentation about this firmware? Do you have specific questions left?

I understand how to flash. I'll probably use the Arduino IDE.
I found...
I must have skimmed over...
The “plain” image consists of two files: espiobridge-plain-iram-0x000000.bin and espiobridge-plain-irom-0x010000.bin. These can be flashed to address 0x000000 and address 0x010000 respectively, using your flash tool of choice.

Thank you.