I am trying to use the ESP8266 to measure temperature using a DHT11 sensor and report it using WiFi to an EasyIoT dashboard running on a Raspberry Pi. I am following the example code on github here: https://github.com/iot-playground/Arduino/blob/master/Esp8266EasyIoT/examples/esp8266easyiot_temperature_humidity/esp8266easyiot_temperature_humidity.ino
The problem I am having is the when I compile the code I get the error:
fatal error: avr/eeprom.h: No such file or directory
#include <avr/eeprom.h>
I cannot see the avr/eeprom library referenced anywhere in the code and am stumped to know where to start debugging it.
Do any more knowledgeable software engineers have any ideas. Software is not my strong point.
Has anyone else successfully integrated the ESP8266 to read temp/humidity and other parameters and transmit this to an EasyIoT dashboard for monitoring?