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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By hubert
#68566 Thank you, i have tested it with my internal mosquitto on a RaspberryPi.
scratchrobot wrote
mqtt.setup("") it doesn't work?

you should use mqtt.setup("broker.")
I have done a short test only.
Now i will do more and longer tests and report the results.
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By hubert
#68602 Sorry my last post was wrong.
It worked only once, with my internal Mosquitto server and then never again, I donot know why-
So now i will try towrite my own proceduresin Basic to make MQTT work.
Here is the official protocol specification i will work with.
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By AndreT
#73018 +1
I just discovered Espbasic and find it amazing! Congratulations, fantastic work!
But mqtt is indeed missing.