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By dhouston
#73479 I could not find a tutorial for using the Arduino IDE with precompiled files so I decided to use the Espressif Flash Download Tool.

I tried with ESP-01, ESP-01S and WeMos D1 mini. Downloading seems OK and there are no apparent errors but none of the devices broadcast an SSID on rebooting.
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By eriksl
#73486 Hmmm... You did wait half a minute? Because it only does so after a timeout of 30 seconds. After that you should see SSID esp, passwd espespesp.

If you checked that, try to see what comes out of the serial port (run it at default 9600 bps), maybe it gives a clue.
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By dhouston
#73539 Yes, I waited.
The WeMos D1 mini LED is flickering constantly and, using Putty @9600, outputs a steady stream that's indecipherable.
The programming adapter for the ESP-01 & ESP-01S does not pull-up anything other than CH_PD which may account for them appearing deaf/mute to Putty.

In any event, I've decided to use USR IOT devices which are preprogrammed and which have USR IOT virtual serial port software.