I recently bought and ESP-01 to start with ESP8266 development, but can't make it run anything. So after reading the SDK I wanted to make sure that my connections and everything were properly set.
I've been trying to read the messages that the ESP8266 prints to UART0 on boot, as explained in page 172 of http://espressif.com/sites/default/files/documentation/2c-esp8266_non_os_sdk_api_reference_en.pdf. The problem is that I can't manage to read them, I only get garbage messages in the putty console.
My schematic is the following:
Whenever I want to flash I connect the pin IO0 to ground and whenever I want to run the code I connect it to VCC. And also note that the MB102 is powered by a USB cable directly from my computer.
In theory whenever you boot the ESP-01 you should get some messages through console. So before booting I open a serial connection in putty with /dev/ttyUSB0 and baud rate 76800 (although I've tried several with no luck!). Then, I boot the ESP-01 and get some garbage in the serial console, but nothing readable.
For building the toolchain in Unix I followed this tutorial https://primalcortex.wordpress.com/2015/01/09/esp8266-setting-up-native-sdks-on-linux-and-exploring-some-applications/
And I tried to execute the blinky example https://github.com/esp8266/source-code-examples/tree/master/blinky (I had to change the Makefile to set ESPTOOL variable to my correct path).
After building it I flashed it by executing
sudo make flash
user@pc:/opt/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/blinky$ sudo make flash
/opt/Espressif/esptool-py/esptool.py --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x00000 firmware/0x00000.bin 0x40000 firmware/0x40000.bin
esptool.py v2.3-dev
Detecting chip type... ESP8266
Chip is ESP8266EX
Uploading stub...
Running stub...
Stub running...
Configuring flash size...
Auto-detected Flash size: 1MB
Compressed 30784 bytes to 21342...
Wrote 30784 bytes (21342 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 1.9 seconds (effective 129.4 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Compressed 137476 bytes to 103602...
Wrote 137476 bytes (103602 compressed) at 0x00040000 in 9.2 seconds (effective 119.6 kbit/s)...
Hash of data verified.
Hard resetting...
So everything looks fine, to run it I pull IO0 up and reboot the ESP-01. Again I receive a garbage boot message and the firmware doesn't execute correctly since the LED isn't blinking. The main reason I was trying to read the boot message was to make sure that everything was correctly working, but it looks like something is failing.
Does anyone have any idea what I could be doing wrong?