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By Lotus
tele_player wrote:Interesting.

What makes you think digitalRead(MISO) isn’t working?

Since the MISO behavior of the chip is to indicate the clock is stable after reset, can you just skip checking it?

I can simply setup SPI and run digitalRead(MISO) with that pin pulled up and read 0. It's a simple test.

Unfortunately, the MISO state can be programmed to output various events when chip select is not pulled low for an SPI transaction. It's a dual use pin. I'm sure this is not the only device out there that has such a feature and I would think being able to read the MISO state with a digitalRead command will be useful. Who writes this code? IGRR?
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By Lotus
tele_player wrote:What device is this? I’d like to read the data sheet.

As an example: ... WRS1094452 Sec 3.2 ... WRS1099190 Sec 5.25

Other Chipcon/TI transceivers....

Whole slew of ADCs where SO is shared with a data ready indicator, e.g.

I suppose it's a quick way to check device status without initiating SPI traffic and potentially creating unnecessary noise to analog/sensitive sections of radio receivers and data converters.