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By Gdipstick
#73246 thanks for the tips and your patience with this noob :? ... i'm zeroing in on a solution, using the following:

1. itoa(rgbLed.redMappedValue,str,10);
2. String(rgbLed.redMappedValue).c_str();
client.publish("OsoyooDataF", str);

line 1 gives me 255 which is the range of the RGB LED from the setup;


Line 2 gives me a blank field, still encouraging though because we are at least publishing something....

still tinkering with this, but logging out for now, can you offer me any more hint :idea: s?
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By schufti
#73294 as I don't now where in your sketch this line ended up, it can be everything.
Most likely the client.publish is happening at the wrong time/place where/when the wanted value is not (yet) / no longer stored in the published variable.
Do a serial.print at the same location and check if the variable holds the expected value.