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By andre_teprom
#73265 Well, I have to admit that I'm not willing to go further with that code; I did not seems to work with interrupt vector, so I will decline on using it.

Concerning to the Arduino platform, it seems still do not provide relevant support for real interrupt handling, I mean, I would expect that at each received byte from UART the ISR vector would be instantiated, instead of having to check if there is any data at the received buffer.

I can't see how could use a GPS at baud 9600 and with a frame of maximum 75 bytes per second, it's a real chalenge. Do you think that it is possible to achieve with the standard Serial library ?
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By rudy
andre_teprom wrote:Concerning to the Arduino platform, it seems still do not provide relevant support for real interrupt handling

Why do you have such high expectations of a framework whose's goal is simplicity so that non-programmers can easily get their feet wet. Has anyone told you that you can do anything you dream of with the Arduino platform? (without having to add your own support routines)

The Arduino platform is fantastic, but it is not appropriate for everyone. You probably should be programming with an RTOS, then you probably will not face the limitations you have with Arduino.
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By tele_player
gdsports wrote:There are Arduino GPS libraries that work even on slower AVR processors. See TinyGPS, TinyGPS++, or NeoGPS.

Those don’t actually handle getting the serial data. However, I’d be surprised if the Serial library can’t do it.

It doesn’t seem challenging to me, but if I had a GPS module here, it would only take a few minutes to verify.