- Tue Jan 23, 2018 12:13 pm
I received a cheap Ublox GPS module($12 on Amazon), and using a cheap NodeMCU, software serial, and an I2C 128x64 OLED display, found it very easy to handle the data stream from the GPS.
A few things that are good to know:
- the GPS has simple commands to disable messages which aren’t needed
- TinyGPS++ works great
- Software Serial has default buffer of 64. This is easily increased by an argument to the constructor.
The demo program I linked to in an earlier message works as-is. However, adding a bit of instrumentation shows that it occasional misses NMEA sentences. TinyGPS has a counter for checksum errors. Ideally, this would usually stay at 1.
These missed messages are caused by the OLED updates, and the default GPS config sending more message types than are needed.
With a little tuning of serial buffer size, GPS messages, and only updating display when serial buffer is near empty - checksum errors become very rare.
Next, I’ll spend a few minutes moving the display from OLED to a web page, but I don’t foresee any problem running this in either STATION or AP mode.