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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Zim
#74485 Hi dwight
Thanks for the reply. I have several home automation esp projects. They are all emailing through gmail. I am using the gsender code from the above mentioned instructable. It is fast for emails and sms and never misses a beat. It loads through arduino ide. I really want to stick with espbasic, as it makes much more sense to a beginner like me. I am totally confident that espbasic is capable but I am no where near experienced enough to convert C++ to basic. I just don't like using third partys as you never know when they dry up. The gsender code simply gives your gmail account the appropriate handshake, and from there on, the sky is the limit. Could you take a look at the code and see what you think?
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By heckler
#74503 Hi Zim,

I tried GMAIL and could not get it working. I really wish Mike or someone could get gmail going as I too would like to be able to use it. when I changed it to send via gmail and then tried to send it connected to gmail and then timed out.

This will work for smtp2go...

Code: Select allcls
server = ""
port = "2525"
un = "smtp2go_username"
pw = "smtp2go_password"
emto = ""
emfrom = ""
subject = "this is the subject"
body = "this is the body of the email"
setupemail server, port, un, pw
button "Send Email", [SendEmail]
button "Exit ", [Exit]
email emto, emfrom, subject, body

note that you can spoof who the email is coming from by just changing the "" to what ever you want.

give it a try if you want and post results back here
