Example sketches for the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By schufti
#74734 maybe from the USB side but surely not from the serial side (the one exposed to the esp).

generally on all "integrated" boards:
This would not be problematic if it were implemented as "bus powered" but most boards are idiotically implemented as selfpowered; who needs the part powered when not connected to usb???
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By RIN67630
schufti wrote:maybe from the USB side but surely not from the serial side (the one exposed to the esp).

generally on all "integrated" boards:
This would not be problematic if it were implemented as "bus powered" but most boards are idiotically implemented as selfpowered; who needs the part powered when not connected to usb???

How do one do that: implement as "bus powered" vs. "implement as selfpowered"?

If they are implemented as selfpowered, isn't it useful to use
and set the TX GPIO to "0";
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By schufti
#74742 I don't know if they have some intelligence to detect "no traffic" to enter some standby mode, I doubt it. In the silab datasheets (current and old parts) I only find information to supply current - normal vs suspended and by "suspended" referring to the USB bus.