(Reporting data to thingspeak as well as a local server).
This was running smooth and rock solid while I used a DHT11 module (and the related liberaries) for temperature tracking.
As these modules are not the most reliable and accurate, I changed to 18B20 devices and the related libs. Thats when the problems started: The systems reboots or hangs every couple of days.
With regard to tropubleshooting: I am tracking 'getResetReason' and 'getFreeHeap' Information and I see that the freeheap is around 40.000 when I start the esp, but it decreases constantly (by ~10 to 100) each time I check it (i.e. send data to the server). This happens until freeheap is down to ~2.800 - and then the 'Hardware watchdog' resets the device - or the system just hangs.
Does anybody has seen similar problems using the 18B20 devices & libs?
(I am on the newest program and lib versions)
Any ideas how to troubleshoot this problem?
(I want and need to stay on the 18B20 sensors, as these are great, accurate and I can read 3 sensors on 1 onewire)
Any help is greatly appreciated.