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By Stickybit
#74981 Hi everyone

Just starting out with the NodeMCU board, and trying to use the 1.3" OLED display, but I'm, having trouble with getting it to work.

I've downloaded the esp8266-oled-ssd1306 library (for Arduino) and try to use the examples with no luck. I use the following connections and initialize the display using the SSD1306Spi function:

// D5 -> CLK
// D7 -> MOSI (DOUT)
// D0 -> RES
// D2 -> DC
// D8 -> CS
SSD1306Spi display(D0, D2, D8);

.. but nothing happens on the display. The loop in the code runs as it should, as I've added a LED routine to make sure that the code actually gets running.

A hint on what to do would be great. :)
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By rudy
#74992 The connections look correct. Maybe a faulty display? Do you have a different board you could test it with? Maybe a regular Arduino board?
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By btidey
#75008 Maybe also post the top part of the example ino you are testing with. There are bits that need commenting out as well as using the spi.

I've used quite a few of these modules now and found them pretty reliable.
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By QuickFix
#75011 I know the SSD1306 library works, but as far as I remember the default is I2C (the only mode I've used with these OLEDs).
You might want to have to set some values and/or (un) comment some things in code.