ESP8266 Webserver Project

Moderator: Sprite_tm

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By otto34
#75182 Hello!

I've managed to successfully implement a SPIFFS file system on the ESP8266-01, which will be used to log data. I'd like to make that file available for download by the user through a simple button in the website. Any advice on how to set up this web server?

PS.: I'm aware of the "SDWebServer" example, but I don't have enough pins available to connect an SD card.

All the best,
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By otto34
McChubby007 wrote:There's the Fsbrowser example (I think it's called that), which provides that feature, so you can see the mechanism of how to do it there.

Hello McChubby007. Thanks for the reply, but I haven't found the built-in example quite easy to understand. Instead, I've found an excellent reference in GitHub: It was only necessary to change the file source: from SD Card to the internal file system.