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By LeenSM
#75466 Hey. i'm using esp8266-01 and i downloaded the library from when i add the library to arduino IDE version 1.6.13 it gives me the following error
Invalid library found in C:\Users\username\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Arduino-master

can anyone please help me in solving this or suggest an alternative library.
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By Pablo2048
#75475 You better have to follow instructions how to install ESP Core into Arduino IDE instead of (stupidly) copy entire content into library folder because this is not a library but new processor core. Did you read the Actually this ... ds-manager part... :roll:
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By LeenSM
Pablo2048 wrote:You better have to follow instructions how to install ESP Core into Arduino IDE instead of (stupidly) copy entire content into library folder because this is not a library but new processor core. Did you read the Actually this ... ds-manager part... :roll:

I actually read it and followed the instructions in the file and i got this error. And you could've used a better language instead of calling people stupid MR.EXPERT
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By QuickFix
#75480 And as an answer to your second question (the one that follows in the next couple of days): do yourself, and everyone else, a favour and don't start with an ESP-01, but get yourself a development board, like an NodeMCU or WeMos, first. :idea: