Downloading and installing the new Arduino IDE for ESP8266

Moderator: igrr

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By KevinL69
#65877 I recently got a Esp8266 Nodemcu v3 and i tried to program it to become a wifijammer, i've never coded or anything before. Im pretty sure while i was trying to upload some code to the Esp8266 something went wrong because everytime i plug in the Esp8266 it sends my mac computer into a rebooting loop. I'm not sure what i did wrong? Is there a way to erase everything that on it? Please help.
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By movil
#75706 I also did something stupid. Here is the code that I used before correcting it: ... y-v1.2.ino

Using a Wemos D1 Mini over here.

Question: Is there any way to connect to the Wemos and flash it ?
While is on the connect loop I don't see it on USB. Only if I keep the reset button pressed I can see the USB. But of course doing this I cannot flash the memory :(