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By rudy
#76723 I have a pull-up resistor on GPIO0 and a latching push button switch to ground. No automatic circuitry.

I'm sure that the extra stuff you have connected is causing your issues.
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By Erik84750
#76736 But still, it is so very nice and convenient to just stick in the serial converter for ESP8266 programming, click the download button on the Arduino IDE and all goes by itself: no switching wires, no switching of buttons.
I have not had time yet to test a ESP8266 using the manual download but sacrificing one IO and still have six left will probably be the trade-off I will have to make.
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By schufti
#76744 why not just use the flash circuitry from nodeMCU?
It seems to work reliable w/o damaging the esp-12
if you need low-power, implement the circuit on your flasher and not the device.