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By Sifourquier
#77333 Hi i poste my developped hardware and software for domotic

I use a modified version of domoticz et a home made hardware

There are 3 board

Meteo sensor: humidity temperature pressure powered by USB or >=1.25V ~8month on a 1.5V battery type C / R14 and 4minute betwen measure

230V triack + gpio can be use for controll 230v and with a external sensor and Hbridge he can control a motor for sunblind or other

Low voltage 2 pwm (for exemple 12v light) and capasitive switch the board can be break for use only switch and can be power on 3v battery type AA/R6 for ~ 5 Year (tested only during 1 Year)


Firmware (watch in domo folder)

Fork of domoticz

The know bug are:
Meteo sensor power supply are to limited when powered by 1.2V battery fix by adding 470uF on 2.5V but work only if time to connecte are low
is recomanded to not use DHCP for reduct power request

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