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By tkoski
#77502 Hi all,

I manage to get the esp8266 to go to a modem_sleep state (By using delay(1);) so that power consumption drops from ~70mA to ~15am (except during the beacons).

However, it seems, that there is a ~10 seconds timeout before esp8266 goes to the modem_sleep -state after WIFI connection.

Is there a way to get the esp8266 to modem_sleep state any faster? For example, right after getting the IP?
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By tkoski
#77525 Thank you Schulti.

I need to debug more, but it seems that there is some some kind of timeout before the esp goes to modem_sleep. Does anyone know about that or is it documented somewhere?

Also, to my understanding, WiFi.forceSleepBegin() will not work, since it will close the WiFi connection, right?
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By tkoski
#77527 Thanks schufti for your response,

based on my short set of tests, it seems that the time to go to modem_sleep seems to happen after the timeout. Not because the delay in dhcp negotiation. I will test more.

Does anyone know about the timeout or if it's documented somewhere?

If I have understood right, i cannot use WiFi.forceSleepBegin() because that will close the wifi connection. Right?