I'm just getting started with ESP8266 (using ESP-WROOM-02 module) and have connected it to a Teensy LC which I am using as a serial passthrough.
I was able to flash the ESP8266 with the latest AT firmware using the Espressif flash download tool (again, using the Teensy LC as a serial bridge), and I verified the flash was successful by dumping the flash and comparing the checksum against the uploaded file. Flashing was done at 115200bps.
However, on boot (GPIO15 low, GPIO0 high, EN high), I get gibberish when sending and trying to receive data over the serial lines. I have tried about every baud rate I can think of (9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 74880 which I found in the docs (and gets me the boot loader output clearly), 76800, 115200) and have had no luck, except that on some I seem to get more gibberish than others
The Teensy LC does not support flow control and only has support for RTS (not CTS); I wonder if that is the issue, as everything I'm reading seems to indicate that the default bitrate in the firmware should be 115200?
Is there a way I can set the bitrate through the flashing process (which I know works)? Or do I need to find a USB-TTL cable with flow control to be able to crack this thing and set the bit rates?