Thanks for everyone who has helped!
In regards rudy's comment about the wiring not being correct on the dust sensor, you are correct my schematic is wrong (thanks for your eagle eye!). But my wiring is and always has been physically correct for this particularly project.
In fact I'm not sure what fixed the GP2Y1010AU0F. I just powered up everything today and it was producing reasonable values and trending in the right direction when "dust" was introduced. I'm thinking in it's possibly a physical issue and maybe a couple of wires were shorting each other on the breadboard (some exposed metal were the wires meet the breadboard).
The issue with the BME280 and the command takeForcedMeasurement() seems to be only in I2C mode. This is kind of still an issue, but after schufti explained one SPI pins on the NodeMCU was a special one, moving the CS pin to D4 resolved all my SPI issues and the BME280 works perfectly. As long as I don't need a BME280 in I2C mode and a NodeMCU for a future project, this issue is more or less resolved!