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By 10hz
#77745 I was having lots of problem getting the NodeMCU v1(Lolin) to be programmed thru Arduino IDE. Two out of the 6 units I've purchased failed to program having the" warning: espcomm_sync failed
error: espcomm_open failed" errors. Despite ensuring correct driver installation,COM port, holding down the FLASH button and release upon uploading, Tied EN to high, GPIO0 to low etc. ;(

The Chinese instruction is equally hopeless. One of the the possible reasons why English proper instruction is almost non-existing was because, with these companies, most likely they did not produce the chip just to cater to IOT community, they just happened to lay their hands on some 500k WIFI chips from a defunct project of say, IBM, and repurpose them for the hobbyist community. Just my 2 cent.