Discuss here different C compiler set ups, and compiling executables for the ESP8266

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By RichardS
#78 Nice work.... getting a GCC toolchain up and running will make a lot of people VERY happy.... just need to figure out a good ISP/debugger solution

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By hackrid
admin wrote:Nice work.... getting a GCC toolchain up and running will make a lot of people VERY happy.... just need to figure out a good ISP/debugger solution


...which involves finding a module which exposes more pins. Soldering wires to the QFN package might get tricky
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By Squonk
hackrid wrote:
admin wrote:Nice work.... getting a GCC toolchain up and running will make a lot of people VERY happy.... just need to figure out a good ISP/debugger solution


...which involves finding a module which exposes more pins. Soldering wires to the QFN package might get tricky

No problem, doing that routinely with a good Mantis binocular :ugeek:
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By hackrid
Squonk wrote:
hackrid wrote:
admin wrote:Nice work.... getting a GCC toolchain up and running will make a lot of people VERY happy.... just need to figure out a good ISP/debugger solution


...which involves finding a module which exposes more pins. Soldering wires to the QFN package might get tricky

No problem, doing that routinely with a good Mantis binocular :ugeek:

what's your preferred procedure when doing so? are you glueing the wires down some how? can you share some pictures of your work with us?