The whole electronics fits on a home made PCB which is 133x15mm, and I have no room to enlarge it.
I need 4MB flash (similar to ESP12) because I want OTA.
I need a module with less than 14mm width and 8 or (preferably) 9 I/Os.
ESP12 has the flash but is 16mm width
ESP03 is 12mm but has only 1MB flash, same for ESP8285 modules like ESPm1 or 2.
Prototypes use ESP03, where I remove the existing flash and replace it with the required size.
Nice for playing, not for production !!
My questions:
• Is there any alternative solution that I did not see ? (another esp module ?)
• Or any way to purchase ESP03 modules with no flash (in order that I can sold one easily)
• Or do I have a chance succeeding the design of my own esp8266 module ? (I am comfortable with all things related to power, I/Os etc. I am not comfortable with antenna, coils etc. at those frequencies.)
Do you know if anyone already tried this ?
Or do you know about any forum to share experience ?
Thank you in advance for your help.