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By tdecurtins
samehhady wrote:Try different baud rate, try 9600 or 115200 and see if it fix your issue

I have been switching between those two to see if anything changes. Its mostly just the speed of random characters.
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By tdecurtins
markbee wrote:Random stream of characters could be GPIO2 held low while booting. GPIO0 has to be HIGH (3V3 VCC via resistor) so does CH_EN (and if you want RST via resistors). GPIO2 could be either left floating (it is set to VCC while booting) or you could pull it up via a resistor.

This is an esp-01.
I am using an ftdi232 also to communicate, set to 3.3v.

It seems like ive tried every combination. I have had both gpios, vcc, and ch_en on 3.3v before I plug it in. Do I need to pull one of those after I plug it in?
The only response I get from it is when vcc and ch_en are on 3.3v, thats when I get non stop characters or feedback from the unit.

Should I try using my arduino to communicate?
Last edited by tdecurtins on Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:52 am, edited 1 time in total.