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By softfoot
#79726 I am using the latest version of the "AT" firmware :
AT version: 16 2018 00:57:04)
SDK version:3.0.0(d49923c)
compile time:Aug 23 2018 16:58:12
Bin version(Wroom 02):v1.7.0

And I am setting the DNS up with :
AT+CIPDNS_DEF=1,"" to which it replies "OK"

When I ping by IP address it works with :
AT+PING="" to which it replies "OK" and a time of +5

but when I ping by name it always fails :
AT+PING="notbad" to which it replies "ERROR"

Am I missing something here ???

There is definitely a DNS server on since I can ping by name from both Win and Linux machines.
