Here is an implementation:
There may be another one inside of Contiki.
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Sin8 espconn_igmp_join(ip_addr_t *host_ip, ip_addr_t *multicast_ip)
Sin8 espconn_igmp_leave(ip_addr_t *host_ip, ip_addr_t *multicast_ip)
uPnP_Con.pCon = (struct espconn *) os_zalloc(sizeof (struct espconn));
uPnP_Con.pCon->type = ESPCONN_UDP;
uPnP_Con.pCon->state = ESPCONN_NONE;
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp = (esp_udp *) os_zalloc(sizeof (esp_udp));
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp->local_port = 1900;
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp->remote_port = 1900;
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp->remote_ip[0] = 239;
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp->remote_ip[1] = 255;
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp->remote_ip[2] = 255;
uPnP_Con.pCon->proto.udp->remote_ip[3] = 250;
uPnP_Con.pCon->reverse = NULL;
espconn_regist_recvcb(uPnP_Con.pCon, slip_uPnP_OnRecieve);
espconn_regist_sentcb(uPnP_Con.pCon, slip_uPnP_OnSendComplete);
IP4_ADDR(&uPnP_MulticastIP.ip, 239, 255, 255, 250);
espconn_igmp_join(&LocalIP.ip, &uPnP_MulticastIP.ip);
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