I seem to hit a bump with my current project (first one with the ESP8266 chip) and would be glad if you guys could help me out
I am using a Wemos D1 Mini clone (Link).
In the final project, i would like to power the board with 5V from an external source. I tried to hook up a 5V power supply to the 5V Pin of the board (and to ground of course).
Accourding to this article (Link) I used a 10kOhm pullup resistor between GPIO 0 and the 3.3V Pin of the Board, same for GPIO 2.
Between GPIO15 and Ground is a 10kOhm pulldown resistor.
First Question: will this work? meaning, does the internal voltage regulator supply the 3,3V before the bootup?
The only result I get is a little flash of the onboard LED and then nothing. If I press reset, again a little flash and nothing afterwards.
During my time google-ing this problem, I also read, that the before mentioned PullUp/Down resistors are internally wired as well and i would not need them. Tried it without them with no luck either.
I would really appreciate your suggestions and help!
ps. forgive my english, not my first language
I found the problem!
You can power the D1 Mini just by supplying 5V to the 5V-Pin of the board, no additional pull-resistors required as they are wired internally.
My problem was, that the old phone charger i used was somehow broken. When measuring the voltage, it showed 5V with no load attached (as expected) but as soon as i connected the board the voltage dropped below 2V.
Thanks everyone who read the post and thought about solutions!