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By gwizz
#8003 If you're remote uses Dual Pole buttons then it's quite easy - you could use one 'half' of the button contacts to do the waking and another to do the signalling to the ESP.

Also look at your power estimations carefully, as Matt shows here: the awake side of the project dwarfs the asleep side - I think this will be your situation too.

Fundamentally the ESP is quite thirsty for juice doing all the complicated wifi stuff and then the radio as well - it will be a challenge to try to use it for battery power projects even if we get deep sleep working great at 10uA.
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By samehhady
gwizz wrote:If you're remote uses Dual Pole buttons then it's quite easy - you could use one 'half' of the button contacts to do the waking and another to do the signalling to the ESP.

Also look at your power estimations carefully, as Matt shows here: the awake side of the project dwarfs the asleep side - I think this will be your situation too.

Fundamentally the ESP is quite thirsty for juice doing all the complicated wifi stuff and then the radio as well - it will be a challenge to try to use it for battery power projects even if we get deep sleep working great at 10uA.

Thank you gwizz for the info, It is really sad that the ESP is hungry for power & consumes that much. without using any sleep mode my module was dead in less than 10 hours without being used while using 850mA battery.

I started to think to keep the ESP awake and add rechargeable batteries and let the remote act as a mobile that needs to be charged like every day or 2, its sad tho.
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By gwizz
#8032 It would be lovely if one could run a full wifi-stack and transmit several hundred meters on a few mA, but it isn't possible as far as I know. Other really low-power radios use custom protocols that can be designed for frugality, or for being able to wake up and join really fast (or both - they go together).

But even given the inherent difficulties with wifi - I'm sure that we can do better than 10 hours by using sleep. We have plans to switch our battery powered sensors over to this chip from a low-power RFM12B chip - and we need battery life in the weeks, if not months ideally. Any many other folks are also interested in trying to stretch this chip to fit that role as well, so I'm confident we'll find a way.

I think it would be a major PITA to have a remote that needed charging every day or two - I can just see myself flopping down and reaching for it, only to realise I've forgotten to put it on charge and it has run out!
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By reaper7
#8036 @samehhady - seems to new SDK solved Your problem with forever deep sleep :)

9、revised system_deep_sleep,system_deep_sleep(0),set no wake up timer,connect a GPIO to pin RST, the chip will wake up by a falling-edge on pin RST