I have ESP8266 12-E with external power supply, and i use arduino ide to flash the ESP
The connectios are
gpio0-->high (low when I flash the program)
gpio16-->reset (for deep sleep mode)
100uF between vcc and gnd
The program runs like: start up, connect wifi 35 seconds (and i can turn on/of a led), deep sleep 1 minute and start up again.
Sometimes the program runs correctly 20 minutes, sometime 3/8 times more or less.
when the program works correctly in the serial port (at 115200 baud) i see first garbage then connecting to... and the WiFi request, then enters in deep sleep mode for 1 minut and repeat this sequence when wake up: garbage, connecting to... etc. But sometimes randomly, in the moment that the Esp have to wake up i only see garbage, and doesn't start the wifi connection, its like never wake up, or wake up but doesntrun the program.
To run the program again, i have to put the reset pin to gnd.
For the deep sleep mode i use in the loop
if (millis() >= 35000)
ESP.deepSleep(DeepSleep_time, WAKE_RFCAL);
i also tryed to put a diode or resistor between gpio16 and reset, but is the same
and then tried the blink example adding the sleep mode with wifi disabled (WAKE_RF_DISABLED), but is the same
How can i fix this issue?