On ESP1 the TX and RX are wired (expected loop function for test).
Configured each parameter of UART 0 and cw & r. 300e71
Can open bridge port configured under bp with putty, switching local echo to off, but get no echo via bridge, so UART bridge seem not to work. I connected in RAW mode of putty.
Tried a lot, but now I run out of ideas.
1) bp was initial not set to default 23. It was 0. Could be changed and stored by cw and accessed after reset.
2) bt set to 0 and bridge link is endless open
3) ct default was initial set to 90 not 0 as desribed. Setting to 0, cw, but command port closing after 90sec!
4) command like s, wcc, sc working. sc-task uart posted increased by two when pressing key+CR in bridge port terminal. task uart failed stuck at 643. uart updated counted frequently.
5) using uw 0 123456 but no reception on putty terminal.
Is it normal, that defauls are not correct (e.g. bp and ct)? Timeout of port 24 normal? Could it be a flash issue?
Any idea how to debug the bridge behavior?
Maybe the new inverting function does have also wrong default and one of RX / TX is inverted? How to check or to be configured in non inverting mode?
Did not observed any hang-up of command port beside that port closing after 90sec inactivity. Maybe this is interpreted as hang-up.