- [y] This issue complies with the [issue POLICY doc](https://github.com/esp8266/Arduino/blob ... /POLICY.md).
- [y ] I have read the documentation at [readthedocs](https://arduino-esp8266.readthedocs.io/en/latest) and the issue is not addressed there.
- [y ] I have tested that the issue is present in current master branch (aka latest git).
- [ y] I have searched the issue tracker for a similar issue.
- [ ] If there is a stack dump, I have decoded it.
- [ ] I have filled out all fields below.
#### Platform
- Hardware: [ESP-12]
- Core Version: [latest git hash]
- Development Env: [Arduino IDE]
- Operating System: [Ubuntu|MacOS]
### Settings in IDE
- Module: [Nodemcu]
- Flash Mode: [qio|dio|other]
- Flash Size: [4MB/1MB]
- lwip Variant: [v1.4|v2 Lower Memory]
- Reset Method: [ck|nodemcu]
- Flash Frequency: [40Mhz]
- CPU Frequency: [80Mhz]
- Upload Using: [SERIAL]
- Upload Speed: [115200] (serial upload only)
### Problem Description
When I uploading programs, an error occured,
python /Applications/Arduino.app/Contents/Java/hardware/esp8266com/esp8266/tools/upload.py --chip esp8266 --port /dev/cu.wchusbserial1a1230 --baud 115200 --trace version --end --chip esp8266 --port /dev/cu.wchusbserial1a1230 --baud 115200 --trace write_flash 0x0 /var/folders/hf/1pgb0bfj1bjblvw7035mlllc0000gn/T/arduino_build_14437/sketch_apr05a.ino.bin --end
Error in command line, need pyserial path as 1st arg and esptool path as 2nd.
And I found this error is from Upload.py, because import esptool failed. But when get.py is running , esptool and pyserial is not downloaded. Because there are no path in file
> package_esp8266com_index.template.json. So, please tell me how can I fix it , or where could I download the pyserial then put the file on pyserial fold.