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By j3graham
#8175 I have been experimenting with luac from eLua.


- Install a copy of lua for your computer (used for building luac). Avaliable from

- Get the eLua source from

- From the eLua spirce directory, build the luac cross-compliler executable with:
Code: Select alllua cross-lua.lua

This generates an executable called luac-cross.

- to compile a script for nodemcu:
Code: Select allluac.cross -o -cci 32 -cce little  -ccn int 32  myscript.lua

- upload the myscript.lcbinary file to nodemcu ( works with binary files - see

- load the script with
Code: Select allrequire("myscript")

Note: if you have a myscript.lua and a, the uncompiled one seems to take precedence)

Simple compiled scripts work, but larger ones seem to cause restarts when they are loaded. When it successful, compiling saves a noticeable amount of heap space.