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By GeoNomad
ozayturay wrote:
jra wrote:

3) The signalling is 5V TTL so you really want to use a level shifter before connecting it your ESP8266 module

Are you sure about that? I have exactly the same one and it is 3.3V TTL level. You can easily measure this by joining TX with RX and measuring between this joint and ground. ;)

I don't have that particular model, but most of the 3.3/5V ones have solder pad jumpers that can be changed for the correct voltage. It might not be documented.

I tried to look at the photo but the stupid watermark is right over the place you would expect the jumper to be!
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By jra
#8265 I measured mine at 5V and there was no solder pad on the bottom. Another batch is supposed to arrive in the mail today, I'll verify one of those and let everyone know.
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By jra
#8427 So the new batch of CP2102 adapters arrives today and I measure the output of the signal pins. 3.3V, not 5V. Measure the signal pins on the old CP2102 adapter, also 3.3V. No solder pads so it's 3.3V signalling only, which 5V adapter was I thinking of? Check the rest of my parts, this is the one: ... 82026.html. When I ordered this last year after the FDDI driver scandal, I thought the 3V/5V switch would control both the Vcc output as well as the signal output. Turns out the switch controls Vcc output only, it always signals at 5V and there are no convenient solder pads to change it so you would either need to use a level shifter with this particular CH340G adapter or modify it as described at