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By CK321
#83226 Hi!

I have a nodeMcu which should receive json object from client via the UDP socket and re-send that json object to another Access Point(soft AP). The nodeMcu act as both AP and STA modes and it successfully got the client data packet but re-send part not working. Are there any solutions for that? (Sorry for my English :D )

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By QuickFix
#83367 Let's see some code. :idea:

An ESP can work in 3 modes, so it shouldn't be a problem:
    STA (station)
  • AP (access point)
  • STA/AP (station & access point)
Maybe this site can get you going.
User avatar
By Freddie
#83379 If you want to use both (which is standard anyway), just set both modes using the command
Code: Select allWiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);
before "WIFI.begin(...)". That'll do the trick. You'll find the necessary configuration on the website "QuickFix" did post.

CU Freddie
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By CK321
Freddie wrote:If you want to use both (which is standard anyway), just set both modes using the command
Code: Select allWiFi.mode(WIFI_AP_STA);
before "WIFI.begin(...)". That'll do the trick. You'll find the necessary configuration on the website "QuickFix" did post.

CU Freddie

Thanks for your advice. I figured out the reason. I used same IP range IP addresses for both access point. Then I change the IP range for both access point after that it worked.