Chat about current Lua tools and IDEs

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By ChrixXenon
#6685 Perhaps I should have put my earlier post here:

have just downloaded ESPlorer v0.1 206 on Windows Vista, and find a problem immediately.

I have a tiny lua file, init.lua:
print("Hi Chris")

-- dofile("WebPulse.lua")

If I use Hari Wiguna's Lua Uploader it uploads and executes fine.
If I use ESPlorer to "Send to ESP" is uploaded and it runs, but ESPlorer then times out "Wating answer from ESP - Timeout reached. Send aborted".
If I use ESPlorer to "Save to ESP" Lua reports a syntax error:

Hi Chris> Hi Chris> > >> > Hi Chris
> >> >> >> stdin:2: '=' expected near 'dofile'

The dofile is commented out, so this shouldn't happen?

Furthermore, if I now go back to Hari's Lua Uploader, I find the file init.lua has been damaged. Both lines now appear on a single line.
If I hex dump the file, I see the previous 0a0d (CR, LF) has been repleced by 0a0a (2 CRs).

Anyone else seen this, and seen how to avoid it? Am I donig something wrong?
I'd like to use ESPlorer because it offers more features and will run on my Linux box too, but right now it's worthless to me.

Thanks, Chris
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By ChrixXenon
#8451 Now that the problem with Turbo mode corrupting LUA files is understood and that mode can be turned off, ESPlorer is potentially very useful and will soon be worthy of a donation.

I want to use ESPlorer on several machines and have the snippets move with me between them, so I moved the entire ESPlorer folder to Google Drive which syncs with all the PCs. However, snippets do not sync.

Researching this topic here, I see that their location is platform and Java-installation dependent and subject to change, so I cannot locate the file in Google Drive.

I think it would be great to move their location to a snippets file in the local folder so they can be synced between machines.

Also, although I can edit the names of the snippets, they do not display on their button labels - that would be a nice feature.

Thank you for providing ESPlorer.
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By 4refr0nt
ChrixXenon wrote:Now that the problem with Turbo mode corrupting LUA files is understood and that mode can be turned off, ESPlorer is potentially very useful and will soon be worthy of a donation.

I want to use ESPlorer on several machines and have the snippets move with me between them, so I moved the entire ESPlorer folder to Google Drive which syncs with all the PCs. However, snippets do not sync.

Researching this topic here, I see that their location is platform and Java-installation dependent and subject to change, so I cannot locate the file in Google Drive.

I think it would be great to move their location to a snippets file in the local folder so they can be synced between machines.

Also, although I can edit the names of the snippets, they do not display on their button labels - that would be a nice feature.

Thank you for providing ESPlorer.

location platform depended, fully JAVA controlled and may be overrided by user in JAVA Control Panel.
For Win-based platforms - registry, try regedit and search "". For example, Win7x64 - HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\JavaSoft\Prefs\com\
You can find detailed info by search query "Where are the Java preferences stored in ..." for other platforms (see userRoot, not for systemRoot)
Or u can see "Java Prefs" for java internal details.
Simple way to sync snippets beetween several PC for Win - export/import snippets to text file.
For linux and MAC you can find Java Prefs files and sync without import/export