Use this forum to chat about hardware specific topics for the ESP8266 (peripherals, memory, clocks, JTAG, programming)

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By lethe
sej7278 wrote:i heard the white adaptor boards don't actually fit onto breadboard or don't leave any pins to the left or right to add jumpers etc?

Mine haven't arrived yet, but judging from the pictures, I don't see any reason why these boards wouldn't fit in a breadboard. That comment probably referred to these boards, which obviously won't fit in a breadboard due to the blue serial pins: ... 10086.html

also what are the resistors for?

Probably pull-ups for CH_PD and GPIOs to configure the boot mode.
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By MeNoGeek
weswitt wrote:digikey has 2mm pitch headers ( ... ries/20251) but I would like to know if the pins on these headers will fit the holes on the ESP-12 or do I need headers with thinner pins??
From the datasheet, those pins have a .5mm square section, that's .7mm diagonally. I don't have any measurement of the esp-12 holes, but I tried a .50mm wire, and it was loose so I guess those headers would be a tight fit. If anyone ends up buying some, it'd be nice to know for sure.
sej7278 wrote:the white adaptor boards [...] don't leave any pins to the left or right to add jumpers etc?
Correct. You can see a picture on Piotr's blog, and how he routed wires underneath the breakout board to reach the pins:
sej7278 wrote:what are the resistors for?
    + 10K resistor between CHPD and VCC, to enable chip;
    + 10K resistor between GPIO2 and GND;
    + Reserved LDO place on the back of board;
    + GPIO15 to GND for normal flash boot mode;
    + only need power VCC GND for power up the module, and TX, RX for serial communication;
    + a capacitor?
sej7278 wrote:i've ordered some yellow boards [...] do they even fit breadboard?
Let's know when you know ;)
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By Fr4gg0r
MeNoGeek wrote:+ GPIO15 to GND for normal flash boot mode;

No pulldown for GPIO15?
Way to go to blow up your chip, by driving it high without internal pullup.