I then replicated the code with an ESP8266 NodeMCU V3 board from LoLin.
I modified the interrupt function adding ICACHE_RAM_ATTR.
The code runs OK but I am now only getting a value of "0" even when the meter rotates.
Is there something else in the original Arduino Uno code that I need to modify to get it to work?
Code below:
volatile int flow_frequency; // Measures flow meter pulses
unsigned int l_hour; // Calculated litres/hour
unsigned char flowmeter = D2; // Flow Meter Pin number
unsigned long currentTime;
unsigned long cloopTime;
void ICACHE_RAM_ATTR flow () // Interrupt function
void setup()
pinMode(flowmeter, INPUT);
attachInterrupt(0, flow, RISING); // Setup Interrupt
// see http://arduino.cc/en/Reference/attachInterrupt
sei(); // Enable interrupts
currentTime = millis();
cloopTime = currentTime;
void loop ()
currentTime = millis();
// Every second, calculate and print litres/hour
if(currentTime >= (cloopTime + 1000))
cloopTime = currentTime; // Updates cloopTime
// Pulse frequency (Hz) = 7.5Q, Q is flow rate in L/min. (Results in +/- 3% range)
l_hour = (flow_frequency * 60 / 7.5); // (Pulse frequency x 60 min) / 7.5Q = flow rate in L/hour
flow_frequency = 0; // Reset Counter
Serial.print(l_hour, DEC); // Print litres/hour
Serial.println(" L/hour");