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By alonewolfx2
quantalume wrote:Why not use a flat LiPo battery? Even the high-current ones can be found as thin as 3 mm. I use a diode or super-low-dropout regulator (like TLV1117LV33) to bring the voltage down to a level which is safe for the chip.

is it real?
making it suitable for applications that mandate very low standby current. The TLV1117LV family of LDOs is also stable with 0 mA
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By trackerj
#8473 Now:

- 1x18650 + charger +protection + SEPIC 5V -> 3.3V LDO regulator -> Atmega328 + ESP-07 -> 7 days counting data collection , burst mode, 1/s
- 2x18650 + SEPIC 5V -> 3.3V LDO regulator -> Atmega328 + ESP-07 -> 11 days and counting data collection , burst mode, 1/s

Next: 682250 Li/PO 700mA (48x22x7mm) + 2-5V boost converter + esp-12 with and without Atmega/STM32.

Funny enough, I don't see any power consumption over 120mA. Need some time to put together a proper test environment to generate some decent graphs.