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By sean
#8661 Can anyone tell me what connections are needed in order to
#1 - upload firmware
#2 - normal use

for the ESP-03

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By sean
#8683 I've seen it but still having doubts...

Would it be like this to upload firmware?

1. CH_PD to VCC
2. GPIO02 to VCC
3. GPIO00 to GND
4. GPIO15 to GND
5. URXD to TX (USB to serial adapter)
6. UTXD to RX (USB to serial adapter)

And what about for "normal" use?
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By Murf
#8687 for normal boot:
CH_PD pullup to VCC (aka via 4.7k to 10k or similar resistor I've used both 4.7k and 10k succesfully)
GPIO15 pulldown to Ground
VCC to 3.3v
Gnd to gnd

URXD to TX (USB to serial adapter)
UTXD to RX (USB to serial adapter)

To flash

A tip is also not to try and get the provided firmware to work but flash it immediately with the firmware you'd like so you have something known to work with.

Also make sure that the USB to TTL is 3.3v, the chip is not 5v tolerant.
(For instance the CH340G adapter has a 3v setting, this only sets the output voltage on VC and not TX which is still 5v. There is a mod for this adapter connecting the chip to the output of the switch and not the 5v. This error caused me quite a few hours of troubleshooting)