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By cult_cages
#87509 I have a little led array powered by two 18650's. I'm also wanting to power the esp off the same supply with a regulator. The problem I'm having is that all the led's turn on and the wifi doesn't work when I connect 3.3v to the 3.3v pin. But it does work on USB, or when I plug in the USB first and then plug in the 3.3v pin, then unplug the usb.

This is my first time using the esp8266 and i wanted to keep things simple - no javascript. I find it interesting that i can pass variables to html without any javascript or php. Some code i found uses %variable% syntax in html. I also don't understand how the esp8266 is sending these variables over to the html on spiffs. Here is the code on the arduino ide:

server.on("/LED1on", HTTP_GET, [](AsyncWebServerRequest *request){
digitalWrite(LED1, HIGH);
request->send(SPIFFS, "/index.html", String(), false, processor);

The variable is processor (a function), but when I try to change to a function i make myself, it doesn't recognize request->send. Anyone know how to send variables to html??
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