I hae this strange issue with my ESP8266 NodeMCU. I'm using ESPDateTime to get the time but as soon as I use a hard-coded IP (using the WiFi.config option) the ESPDateTime can not connect to the internet to get the time. I can connect to the NodeMCU on my own network (and request the HTML, for example) But with a set IP it doesn't work.
Another strange behaviour is that some IP's seemed to work and others didn't. But later (after a change in the code and a recompile) those IP numbers also didn't work anymore.
It has worked (I've used it in a couple of projects) but now it doesn't anymore. And I have no idea why..
Here's my code.
In short: I've got a NodeMCU with a temperature/humidity sensor, a light sensor and a relay. When it's dark (enough) the lights turn on and when it get's lighter, they turn off. I can also turn them on / off manually.
The temp sensor will be used by another device / programm to request the temp humidity from this device. But that's not build in yet.
//Netwerk connectie
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
const char* ssid = "My_SSID"; //aan te passen HARD CODED variabele
const char* pass = "My_Password"; //aan te passen HARD CODED variabele
IPAddress staticIP(192,168,0,30); //aan te passen HARD CODED variabele
IPAddress gateway(192,168,0,1); //aan te passen HARD CODED variabele
IPAddress subnet(255,255,255,0); //aan te passen HARD CODED variabele
#include <ESP8266WebServer.h>
ESP8266WebServer server(80);
//voor internet tijd via time server
#include "ESPDateTime.h"
time_t t;
//DHT-11 temp/humidity sensor
#include <DHTesp.h>
DHTesp dht;
TempAndHumidity lastValues;
String temperature;
String humidity;
unsigned long ms = millis();
//Spotjes parameters
#define pinRelaySpots D0
#define pinLightSensor D1
String setting = "auto"; //mogelijkheden: auto (default) | aan | uit
void setup() {
pinMode(pinRelaySpots, OUTPUT);
pinMode(pinLightSensor, INPUT_PULLUP);
digitalWrite(pinRelaySpots, LOW); //Relay begint UIT
WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
// WiFi.config(staticIP, gateway, subnet); //When I unremark this line, time can't be retreived
Serial.print("WiFi Connecting");
while (WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED) {
dht.setup(D3, DHTesp::DHT11);
server.on("/", HTTP_POST, setSetting);
server.on("/", sendHTML);
void loop() {
if((setting =="auto" and digitalRead(pinLightSensor) == HIGH) or setting == "aan"){
digitalWrite(pinRelaySpots, HIGH); //HIGH = AAN
} else if((setting =="auto" and digitalRead(pinLightSensor) == LOW) or setting == "uit"){
digitalWrite(pinRelaySpots, LOW); //LOW = UIT
if (millis() - ms > 5000) { //check time and temp every 5 seconds
ms = millis();
if (!DateTime.isTimeValid()) {
Serial.println("Failed to get time from server, retry.");
lastValues = dht.getTempAndHumidity(); //één call voor beide waarden!
temperature = String(lastValues.temperature, 1);
humidity = String(lastValues.humidity, 1);
//Serial monitor output, only for debugging
t = DateTime.now();
Serial.println(DateFormatter::format("Het is %H:%M:%S %d-%m-%Y", t));
Serial.println("Het is " + temperature + " C (RV is " + humidity + "%)");
Serial.println("Setting: " + setting);
Serial.print("Lightsensor is: ");
if(digitalRead(pinLightSensor) == HIGH){
} else {
void sendHTML(){
String lichtsensor;
if(digitalRead(pinLightSensor) == HIGH){
lichtsensor = "actief";
} else {
lichtsensor = "inactief";
String ptr = "<!DOCTYPE html> <html>\n";
ptr +="<head><meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.1, user-scalable=yes\">\n";
ptr +="<title>Buitenverlichting</title>\n";
// ptr +=" <meta http-equiv=\"refresh\" content=\"30\">\n";
ptr +="</head>\n";
ptr +="<body bgcolor=burlywood style=\"font-family: Verdana; font-size: 14px;\">\n";
ptr +="<center>\n";
ptr +="<h3>Buitenverlichting</h3>\n";
ptr +="<p>Het is " + DateFormatter::format("%H:%M, %d-%m-%Y", t) + "<br>\n";
ptr +="<p>Het is <b>" + temperature + String(char(176)) + "C</b>\n";
ptr +="(RV is <b>" + humidity + "%</b>)<br>\n";
ptr +="<p>Lichtsensor signaal: <b>" + lichtsensor + "</b><br>\n";
ptr +="<p>Huidige setting: <b>" + setting + "</b><br>\n";
ptr +="<form method=\"POST\" action=\"/\">"; //lege actie, POST is voldoende
ptr +="Wijzig setting in: \n";
ptr +="<button type=\"submit\" name=\"setting\" value=\"auto\">auto</button> \n";
ptr +="<button type=\"submit\" name=\"setting\" value=\"aan\">aan</button> \n";
ptr +="<button type=\"submit\" name=\"setting\" value=\"uit\">uit</button><br>\n";
ptr +="</form>";
ptr +="<center>\n";
ptr +="</body>\n";
ptr +="</html>\n";
server.send(200, "text/html", ptr);
void setSetting(){
setting = server.arg("setting");
I'm not sure if it's because of my network, but I haven't changed anything in my router / DHCP. So that's not the first thing that comes into mind. Also, it has worked OK. All of a sudden it didn't anymore..
It's driving me crazy! It's sooooo much easier to have fixed IP's, because then I know what page to go to to configure settings, or request data from..
Oh, some comments / output are in Dutch. But I think it should be understandable the way it is, the code is pretty simple and straight forward..