- Mon Jul 27, 2020 12:58 pm
"Sorry, but that doesn't actually answer the question. Does the ESP allow the devices connected to it to see each other and communicate, or would we have to add that option to enable it?"
The question is little to do with the ESP: it is 100% dependent on the code it runs. The code you mentioned is what I was commenting on. You are free to write whatever code your skill level allows, there is nothing inherent in the ESP architecture that prevents AP node cross-talk.
"it may not matter if the connection to the internet router is broken." then why use the device at all? just connect the nodes to the main router. You are over-complicating the issue.
"Not lucky". Yes, lucky. Unless you fully understand the issues covered in the the link, then you do not really know what the "limitations of the device" are and therefore you cannot accurately comment.
In your own words "Sorry, I don't understand how these things actually work, and I imagine the answer is entirely obvious if you have the first clue about it... which I don't."...in which case, you might learn more by listening to people who do, rather than contradicting them simply because you either don't like or don't understand the answers.
I reiterate: the code you mentioned is merely an example. Its is not practical for serious use and thus most of this is academic. I'm happy to help with specific code / design questions on any real world project you might have, but ESP8266 is not a suitable device for a reliable solution to NAT routing due to its single hardware channel. I urge you to read and digest the information in the previous link I sent you.