The use of the ESP8266 in the world of IoT

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By khoih-prog

You can install directly from Arduino Library Manager

This is an ESP32 / ESP8266 WiFi Connection Manager with fallback web configuration portal. Use this library for configuring ESP32, ESP8266 modules' WiFi, etc. Credentials at runtime. You can also specify static DNS servers, personalized HostName. With examples supporting ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ as well as 5.13.5- .

ESP_WiFiManager libraries v1.0.6 has been included into Arduino Library Manager. You can install this library directly from Arduino IDE.

### Releases 1.0.6

#### New in v1.0.6

- Add function getConfigPortalPW()
- Add 4 new complicated examples compatible with ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ :[AutoConnect](examples/AutoConnect), [AutoConnectWithFeedback](examples/AutoConnectWithFeedback), [AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED](examples/AutoConnectWithFeedbackLED) and [AutoConnectWithFSParameters](examples/AutoConnectWithFSParameters)

### Releases 1.0.6-beta

#### New in v1.0.6-beta

- Add NTP data
- Add support to ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ as well as 5.13.5- to examples

### Releases 1.0.5

#### New in v1.0.5

- Add option to specify static DNS servers, besides static IP, Gateway and Subnet Mask
- Modify and add examples. Enhance

### Releases 1.0.4

#### New in v1.0.4

- Add ESP_WiFiManager setHostname feature
- Modify and add examples. Enhance

### Releases 1.0.3

#### New in v1.0.3

- Add option not displaying AvailablePages in Info page.
- Delete unnecessary files
- Modify examples, Images and enhance

### Releases 1.0.2

- Forked, modified, bug-fixed and improved from these versions of WiFiManager.

See [Tzapu's version]( for previous release information.
See [KenTaylor's version]( for previous release information.

#### New in v1.0.2

- Fix bug that keeps ConfigPortal in endless loop if Portal/Router SSID or Password is NULL.
- Add example ConfigPortalParamsOnSwitch to enable ConfigPortal credentials to be reconfigurable using ConfigPortal.
Last edited by khoih-prog on Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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By khoih-prog
#88137 Releases 1.0.9

1. Fix ESP32 STAstaticIP bug.
2. Enable changing from DHCP <-> static IP using Config Portal.
3. Enable NTP configuration from sketch (USE_ESP_WIFIMANAGER_NTP, USE_CLOUDFLARE_NTP). See Issue #21: CloudFlare link in the default portal.
4. Add, enhance examples (fix MDNS for ESP32 examples, add DRD feature).

Releases 1.0.8
1. Fix setSTAStaticIPConfig issue. See Static Station IP doesn't work
2. Add LittleFS support for ESP8266 core 2.7.1+ in examples to replace deprecated SPIFFS.
3. Restructure code.

Releases 1.0.7

1. Use `just-in-time` scanWiFiNetworks() to reduce connection time necessary for battery-operated DeepSleep application. Thanks to CrispinP for identifying, requesting and testing. See Starting WiFIManger is very slow (2000ms)
2. Fix bug relating SPIFFS in examples :
- ConfigOnSwitchFS
- ConfigPortalParamsOnSwitch (now support ArduinoJson 6.0.0+ as well as 5.13.5-)
- AutoConnectWithFSParameters
See Having issue to read the SPIFF file, Thanks to OttoKlaasen to report.
3. Fix README. See Accessing manager after connection


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By khoih-prog
#88530 Major Releases v1.1.0

1. Add MultiWiFi feature to auto(Re)connect to the best WiFi at runtime
2. Fix bug.
3. Completely enhanced examples to use new MultiWiFi feature.




Debug Termimal Output Samples

This is terminal debug output when running ESP32_FSWebServer_DRD on ESP32 ESP32_DEV. Config Portal was requested by DRD to input and save Credentials. The boards then connected to WiFi AP HueNet1 using new Static IP successfully. WiFi AP HueNet1 is then lost, and board autoreconnects itself to backup WiFi AP HueNet2.

Code: Select allStarting ESP32_FSWebServer_DRD with DoubleResetDetect using SPIFFS on ESP32_DEV
FS File: /ConfigSW.json, size: 150B
FS File: /CanadaFlag_1.png, size: 40.25KB
FS File: /CanadaFlag_2.png, size: 8.12KB
FS File: /CanadaFlag_3.jpg, size: 10.89KB
FS File: /edit.htm.gz, size: 4.02KB
FS File: /favicon.ico, size: 1.12KB
FS File: /graphs.js.gz, size: 1.92KB
FS File: /index.htm, size: 3.63KB
FS File: /drd.dat, size: 4B
FS File: /wifi_cred.dat, size: 192B

[WM] RFC925 Hostname = ESP32-FSWebServerDRD
[WM] setAPStaticIPConfig
Stored: SSID = HueNet2, Pass = 12345678
[WM] * Add SSID =  HueNet2 , PW =  12345678
Got stored Credentials. Timeout 120s for Config Portal
SPIFFS Flag read = 0xd0d04321
No doubleResetDetected
Saving config file...
Saving config file OK
[WM] LoadWiFiCfgFile
[WM] * Add SSID =  HueNet1 , PW =  12345678
[WM] * Add SSID =  HueNet2 , PW =  12345678
ConnectMultiWiFi in setup
[WM] ConnectMultiWiFi with :
[WM] * Flash-stored Router_SSID =  HueNet2 , Router_Pass =  12345678
[WM] * Additional SSID =  HueNet1 , PW =  12345678
[WM] * Additional SSID =  HueNet2 , PW =  12345678
[WM] Connecting MultiWifi...
[WM] WiFi connected after time:  1
[WM] SSID: HueNet1 ,RSSI= -27
[WM] Channel: 2 ,IP address:
After waiting 5 secs more in setup(), connection result is connected. Local IP:
HTTP server started @
Open http://esp32-fs-browser.local/edit to see the file browser
[WM] freeing allocated params!
Stop doubleResetDetecting
Saving config file...
Saving config file OK

WiFi lost. Call connectMultiWiFi in loop
[WM] ConnectMultiWiFi with :
[WM] * Flash-stored Router_SSID =  HueNet2 , Router_Pass =  12345678
[WM] * Additional SSID =  HueNet1 , PW =  12345678
[WM] * Additional SSID =  HueNet2 , PW =  12345678
[WM] Connecting MultiWifi...
[WM] WiFi connected after time:  3
[WM] SSID: HueNet2 ,RSSI= -59
[WM] Channel: 4 ,IP address:
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By khoih-prog
#89683 Releases v1.3.0

1. Add LittleFS support to ESP32-related examples to use LITTLEFS Library
2. Add Version String

Releases v1.2.0

1. Restore cpp code besides Impl.h code to use in case of multiple definition linker error.
2. Fix bug /close does not close the config portal