I'm starting out by making a table with the following columns for the 8266...
The 8266 PC Board Assembly Manufacturer
Link to PC Board spec's, features & onboard peripherals
Link to PC Board pinout
The 8266 Chip Manufacturer
The embedded micro-controller in the 8266 Chip
The embedded micro-controller architecture (drawing/diagram/schematic)
The instruction set for the embedded micro-controller
So with that in mind I have a four questions...
1 - Who manufactures & sells the various PC Board Assemblies
with the onboard 8266 chip, the WiFi Antenna, and the on board peripherals?
Adafruit seems to be one...
So who are the other principal 8266 board assembly manufactures that should be considered?
2 - Who manufactures the 8266 chip/module itself?
Espressif seems to be one...
So who are the other principal 8266 chip manufacturers?
3 - Which micro controller aka processor is embedded in the various 8266 chips ?
4 - dito to all the above for the 32 bit version... aka ESP32 ?
Of course we will start by defining our needs...
and then work to match those needs to the various pre-fab hardware on the market.
So, after over a week of online searches and reading & watching video's until my eyes have rolled back in my head...
I would really appreciate some kind assistance in answering these four questions to get me back on the ball field