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By DonJuanito
Smoky wrote:hi mputtnam, i'm also a beginer, after power on the module put light on, ou can see wifi light when you connect to his SSID with ai-thinker pass.

Did someone have IOT.APK to make test on android ? a download link help us to make tests ;)

did someone have electric shemas ? for board pin in/out ?

Hi Smoky. I have downloaded the IOT.APK from the AI-THINKER chinese forum.
You can download it from : (The permissions requested by the app are worrying).
I hope it will help...

PS: The password I had to use is "ai-thinker" (no capitals).
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By Aonko
Hi Smoky. I have downloaded the IOT.APK from the AI-THINKER chinese forum.
You can download it from : ... yHWia?dl=0 (The permissions requested by the app are worrying).
I hope it will help...

PS: The password I had to use is "ai-thinker" (no capitals).

Call me racist but I don't trust any closed source chinese application, the binary blobs in the esp8266 are bad enough. :D Considering the NSA revelations from Snowden in the past year or so, I am sure they feel the same about us americans. :lol: